december 2009 hónap bejegyzései

Mr. Shimon Peres Open letter

Haladéktalanul szüntesse be hódító politikáját Magyarországon!" – MVSZ-levél Peresznek !

Mr. Shimon Peres

President of Israel

Open Letter

Mr. President!


Your speech before the annual convention of the Association of Trade Bureaus, in Tel Aviv on October 10, 2007, outlined the ongoing expansion of the Jewish Empire, by means of procurement in the following areas: Manhattan, Poland, Romania and our own homeland, Hungary. This view of the future is unacceptable to us. More than a thousand years ago, in the early decades of the ninth century, the leading stratum of the Kazar Empire adopted the Jewish religion, causing much trouble. The descendants of the Magyars who returned to the Carpathian Basin do not want to see these events repeated in their ancient homeland. Your economic occupation of Hungary cannot be included in the influx of other foreign capital. We must differentiate between the politically neutral influx of funds and the economic expansion of capital, intended to promote an occupation, supported by the state. This latter one does not come alone. Parallel to the economic occupation, comes a new colonization by means of the classic tools to ensure power:

1. the introduction of certain rules of the game, which ensure the rule of the powers-that-be, while preserving the appearance of democracy (in its fully-developed form, this is the typical two-party system of the United


2. the corruption of the political elite,

3. the monopoly of the tools for building a political culture,

4. the methodical demonization of the critics of the regime,

5. the take-over of the educational system,

6. the control of public health.

In addition to all these, you have now succeeded in reducing the numbers in the National Guard and in reprogramming the political police (NBH and REBISZ) and, in the form of the INKAL SECURITY Kft., you have established control over the society and have introduced the methods of the use of force. The presence of the INKAL SECURITY Kft., on October 23, 2006, with the bloodshed caused by their shooting people in the eyes and their use of "vipers", immediately brings to mind, involuntarily, the IRGUN terror organization. In Hungary, the anti-Hungarian atrocities, committed by the gypsies, have grown in proportion to the growth of the Israeli occupation. Mr. President, you surely know whether or not there exists a causal relation behind this comparison. Hungarians world-wide are following the realization of the Israeli colonization of our homeland with anxiety and a growing indignation. Mr. President, the World Federation of Hungarians calls upon you to immediately cease your politics of occupation in Hungary. If it continues, sooner or later it will cause a destabilization in our territory, similar to that in the Middle East. In the end, this is not in anyone’s interest.

Mr. President, leave Hungary to those who gave their name to the state.

Budapest, 5th of December 2009

The Praesidium of the World Federation of Hungarians

Confirming signature

Patrubány Miklós István Ádám

President of the World Federation of Hungarians


"Haladéktalanul szüntesse be hódító politikáját Magyarországon!" – MVSZ-levél Peresznek

 A Magyarok Világszövetségének Elnöksége 2009. december 5-i ülésén behatóan foglalkozott a Magyarország ellen irányuló izraeli gyarmatosító politikával. Az Elnökség nyílt levelet küldött Simon Peresz izraeli államfőnek, melyet diplomáciai úton eljuttatott a címzetthez.

Simon Peresz úr részére

Izrael Állam elnöke

Nyílt levél


Elnök Úr!

Az Ön 2007. október 10-i beszéde, melyet Tel-Avivban, a Kereskedelmi Irodák Szervezetének éves közgyűlésén mondott, megszabta a felvásárlás módszerével folyó zsidó birodalomépítés fő csapási irányait: Manhattan, Lengyelország, Románia és hazánk, Magyarország. Számunkra ez a jövőkép elfogadhatatlan. Több mint ezer évvel ezelőtt, a IX. század első évtizedeiben elég zavart okozott már az, hogy Kazáriában a vezető réteg felvette a zsidó vallást. Az ősi honukba, a Kárpát-medencébe visszatért magyarok utódainak nem hiányzik a történtek megismétlése. Az Önök gazdasági térhódítása Magyarországon nem mosható össze az egyéb idegen tőke beáramlásával. Különbséget kell tenni a politika-semleges tőkeáramlás és a hódító szándékú, államilag támogatott tőke gazdasági terjeszkedése között. Ez utóbbi nem jár egyedül. A gazdasági hódítással párhuzamosan az új gyarmatosítás immáron klasszikus hatalombiztosító eszköztára is bevetésre kerül:

 1. olyan játékszabályok bevetése, amelyek a demokratikus látszat megőrzése mellett biztosítják a háttéruralmat (kifejlett formájában ez az Egyesült Államok típusú kétpártrendszer),

2. a politikai elit korrumpálása,

3. a politikai kultúraépítés eszközeinek monopóliuma,

4. a rendszer bírálóinak módszeres démonizálása,

5. a tanügy megszállása,

6. az egészségügy ellenőrzése.


Mindezeken túlmenően mára sikerült Önöknek Magyarországon leépíteni a honvédséget, átprogramozni a politikai rendőrséget (NBH és REBISZ), sőt, az IN-KAL SECURITY Kft. alakjában a létrehozni a társadalmi ellenőrzés és erőszak alkalmazásának eszközét is. Az IN-KAL SECURITY Kft. színre lépése a 2006. október 23-i szemkilövős, viperás vérengzések alkalmából akaratlanul is az IRGUN terrorszervezetet juttatják eszünkbe. Magyarországon a cigányok által elkövetett magyarellenes atrocitások száma párhuzamosan növekszik az izraeli gyarmatosítás mértékével. Elnök Úr, Ön minden bizonnyal tudja, hogy e párhuzamosság mögött létezik-e okozati összefüggés vagy sem. A magyarság világszerte aggodalommal és növekvő felháborodással kíséri az izraeli gyarmatosítás kiteljesedését hazánkban. Elnök Úr, a Magyarok Világszövetsége felszólítja Önt, hogy haladéktalanul szüntesse be hódító politikáját Magyarországon. Ennek folytatása előbb-utóbb a Közel-Kelethez hasonlóan destabilizálja térségünket. Ez végső soron senkinek sem érdeke. Elnök Úr, hagyja meg Magyarországot azoknak, akiknek ez az ország a nevét viseli.


Budapest, 2009. december 5-én


A Magyarok Világszövetségének Elnöksége

A kiadmányt hitelesíti

Patrubány Miklós István Ádám

a Magyarok Világszövetségének elnöke



– Izrael, mint alattomos féreg bemászik-, beoson egy nép-, nemzet testébe-, szívébe és lelkébe/Budapest/, és ott lassan, célirányosan rágja és emészti a gazda testet, e közben ő maga rendkívüli mértékben hízik-, növekszik és erősödik, miközben a gazda test folyamatosan gyengül és pusztul… (!)

          Izrael felelős Magyarország -, a magyarországi lakosság eladósításáért-, vagyonának jelentős részétől való megfosztásáért..!


          Izrael felelős a magyar gazdaság tönkretételéért ..!


          Izraelnek kártérítést kell fizetnie Magyarországnak az ellene -, a magyar nemzet ellen elkövetett bűneiért! – Simon Peresz elszólta magát, hát fizessen Izrael (!)

Magyarországnak okozott kár általam becsült értéke kb.:  200-300 milliárd dollár (!)

(Szűken számolva!)     K.S. /Demo/


About us Hungarians – by the Truth

Rólunk, magyarokról, az igazságnak megfelelően    behalf of truth and true Hungarians

 About us Hungarians – by the Truth


 You can hear a lot about Hungary and above all: about the Hungarian Folks nowadays in the foreign medias. All but good. Very hard accusations against us, such as: anti-Semites, we hate the Jews, we are a born-to-be-racist nation, because "we can’t get along" with the Gypsies, as the poorest ethic minority we oppress them and attacks are on the daily basis against them. These accusations spread by "our own" occupied government, far from the truth to make us look bad people.Despite the accusations, the Hungarian nation is the most open-hearted country on Earth. Throughout our history we offered sanctuary and peaceful settlements for many ethnic nationalities. Yes, this means people who came to seek for sanctuary and looked for a new Homeland. These minorities either assimilated into the Hungarian majority, as our Kuns, or as the Germans who settled down kept their ethnic identity, culture and became part of the Hungarian Empire. These folks worked together with us, lived with us, died with us – except one race, ethnicity and that is the Gypsies. 700 years were not enough for them to realize where they are. The unsuccessful assimilation by the Gypsies resulted by the Socialist government of Hungary to turn us Hungarians the ones who do not accept them. We’d like to contest these accusations. Of course, with facts, real facts for the entire world, not just by an opinion as the foreign medias do when they talk about this issue. Every government’s job to protect, defend and preserve the values, traditions, keep them in safe from erosion and keep national symbols protected. This is however, not happening in Hungary today.After the collapse of the Soviet Union, every Hungarian looked to the future with hope and with joy. We waited for a real change of regime. Many political parties were born with many views and directions, including "opposition" parties. Of course, the opposition was only in their names, in reality they were the slaves of the governing power behind the scenes. This still exists even as we speak. At then, we didn’t know what’s gonna happen to our country, but we were confident and waited for the "changes". Our confidence was undermined later and even since those changes, which never occurred, we still disappointed. The disappointment grew stronger under the Antall-regime because he didn’t restore our ancient Constitution. He refused to call to the stolen territories in the newly formed nations around our country (which lost territories belonged to the Hungarian Empire more than 1000 years), he re-assured the shameful Trianon Treaty. This is not just the shame of Europe, but the shame of the entire world, unfair treatment of a nation. A nation which has defended Europe throughout the centuries, Magyar blood spilled for holding back the Mongol and Turk hordes from their world-conquering attacks. However, the prime minister, Mr.Antall and his regime did nothing to restore anything. In fact, at the time when the Soviet Union collapsed and Ukraine has became a sovereign country, offered to his government to return Sub-Carpathia which was part of the Hungarian Empire for 1000 years, Antall and his cabinet refused to accept that offer and he stated that the Hungarian people has no territorial demands from Ukraine, or from any other nation. He accepted the broken Hungary millions of ethnic Hungarians will live under foreign governments.To hand over a nation for foreign governments it’s a shame, especially from it’s "own" government makes it as a traitor. They sold our land, inviting foreign and alien interests, they made the Hungarian people beggars in their own homeland and sold the entire nation for those who are well-known for their world-conqueror desire, occupying our country. Only in those countries without these world-conquerors are the people happy and their nation flourish, blooming and prosperous. We are not here to judge other nations, that is their job. We judge ourselves and we speak about our own situation and we feel, we have the right to do so.Well let’s look at the issues around Hungary, since the change of regime. That the Hungarian people are impatient that the change of regime (or as we call it: change of gangsters) is the answer. Around us, in almost all communist satellite countries the changes came with a bloody uprising. In our country this happened without shed of one drop of blood. In our peace-loving efforts we were happy that our nomenclature stated: from now on Hungary is a Republic! Unfortunately, the Hungarians didn’t learn in the last 1000 years, because they always expect the goodwill from the other parties. As you expect, we had to be disappointed again, the same individuals who made our country several times bankrupted did not step aside. In the meantime, these people created a seemingly European election system, brainwashing millions: how democratic it is. Now, this is when we need to stop for awhile and look deep inside: what is the the cause of the terrible tension which controls our country today.The communist-written Constitution has only one advantage point: the right and responsibility to work. This was the first thing they deleted from it and made the nation to available for exploitation. The new regime did not introduced the overhauled justice and rights laws, or what we would like more, restoring the extended rights and the never outlawed Crown-rights. Hungary still has the Stalinist-era helter-skelter so-called "constitution" and build the country’s justice-system on it. Iran itself was under Soviet occupation before, so the Iranian people should know very well this Stalinist’ rights’ at first hands.The election system of Hungary does not make it possible that those politicians, or even a party (this is what we got today) who lost the confidence and support to be recalled. This is why the country can be ruled and governed by a Party with less than 1% support! In our election code the President of the Republic can be elected directly by democratic votes, or by the parliamentarian parties. It is unnecessary to say, we did not have any direct election yet.Nothing has changed, the same gang and power-mafia rules, mostly connected by family relationships. The communist-era, those who responsible for the crimes during the Peoples Republic carried-out the mass murders and the political criminals NEVER got indicted, or prosecuted. In fact, these hoodlums are living in well-respected state-accepted positions (believe it, or not a former AVO (secret police) criminal mass murderer was put in position for 4 years as President of the Republic) and they are in high position in all state and governmental positions. The names of the agents from this organization still not available and the the past activities can be used for political blackmailing. For the country it caused huge damages the so-called "Rozsadomb Pact" (Rozsadomb is a suburb on the Buda side, occupied by the elite), signed by the political mafia , those 20 points in which they redesigned the new direction and the responsibilities of the Hungarian State. We can call those points the New Trianon… We need to take a look at these to understand what is these minority history they use as lies, twisting and bending the truth world-wide.
Basically, this is the ground for the tensions among minorities (and only for two of them) they show arrogance and use insults, attacks against us, Hungarians. For the full understanding we publish all of those 20 points, as follows:

– 1. The peaceful and friendly pull-out of the Soviet troops from Hungary,
– 2. The reimbursement for the unoccupied buildings and goods for the Soviets,
– 3.. Continuous friendly political and economical ties between the Soviet Union and Hungary,
– 4. Suppression of all kind of anti-Soviet activities,
– 5. The bilateral openings of the Soviet and Hungarian borders,
– 6. The excuse from all punishments for the former communist party members,
– 7. The excuse from all punishments, or harassment for the former members of the secret service, border patrol and police,
– 8. The dependable former communists role in the parties and elections,
– 9. The transfer of the state treasury to the possession of the former communists,
– 10. Keep the justice system under the control of the former communists,
– 11. Preventing any kind of anti-Semitic activism,
– 12. Preventing the founding and/or assembling for the right-wing, or far-right-wing parties,
– 13. Ensure that the recent boundaries of Hungary is final and can’t be repealed,
– 14. The new Hungarian government can’t communicate or keep in touch with right-wing individuals and/or organizations,
– 15. Only friendly statements can be done for the Romanians, Yugoslavians and Slovakians,
– 16. The 1956 Uprising must be seen as an attempt to revitalize communism and only those who comply with this can be heard publicly,
– 17. The Hungarian Army must be decreased to its one-third of size,
– 18. The Soviet Union will keep its political influence through the communists in the government and the United States will increase its economical influence in Hungary,
– 19. Hungary provides total guarantees for the cultural, national, political and economical right for all ethnic minorities,
– 20. Hungary totally reimburse the Hungarian Jews for their losses during World War 2.

For us we need to concentrate on points 5 through 13, and also 15, 17, 18, 19 and 20 point. They don’t need to be explained, if you read it, you will understand every letter in them and the results. One may wonder that the Jews and communists got extraordinary attention in these rules. In the other hand, there’s not one, single word about the Hungarians, or as a Nation get any reimbursement from the racist attacks and life-threatening acts from the Trianon- and Soviet-made  ethnic territories. We can’t expect any reimbursement.In Hungary if anyone has to fear for their existence, those are the Jews. They know very well that the genocide and devastation under the name of communism they’ve committed against us, they would be punished in any other country. It’s because communism and Jewry have close ties, for example during the Soviet-style coup d’ÉÉEtat 20 out of 21 ‘leaders’ were Jews. They took armed control over the Hungarian people and up until today they have this power and used unbelievable aggression and blood thirst to oppress any national uprising. The political and economical power were seized by them, therefore they have the control over the twisted and warped informations about us, which have absolutely no close tie to reality. For an example: Hungary reimbursed the Jews at least 14 times for their so-called ‘holocaust’ (I’d like to admit if the holocaust was so severe and the immigration too, the number of survivors is way too high), even after the who-knows-who generation is claiming for the pay-offs. Until now continuous the aggression against Hungarians within and outside the borders in many cases by physically attacking ethnic Magyars and as in the Yugoslavian war entire villages were demolished and the male inhabitants were exterminated! The goal was to discontinue the concentrated settlements of ethnic Hungarians in the occupied territories to justify the Trianon treaty.To the #15 point the former governments added enormous help. Unfortunately, not by only words, but by acts as well. We could bring up several examples to this point, but right now we wish to show the opposite not the list of the most heinous crimes committed against our Nation.Today more and more Hungarians realize what is happening around them, what the capitalist globalists real goals are, pressured from the EU. This was one of the reasons the Magyar Garda came to life, which sometimes called Party Army, but this is not really the MG stands for and this Guard is went through the first break-up, thanks to the local media moguls attacks and its domestic foes. It’s easy to see that the only change we had that the current governments show their mandatory respects not to Moscow, but to Brussels, Washington and Tel Aviv. The national identity movement however is growing steadily, despite the past decades stalls and its already endangering the reign-of-terror of the foreign capitalists’ interests, political and economical superiority and the stone-hard positions in the recent government.This is the filth of the beginning, but we didn’t even finish yet. To prevent us to make giant steps in time, let’s take a look at the economical side too.About that time surfaced in the political communications the ‘necessary transformation of the economical structure’ slogan. Now we know what this was meaning; the cancellation of the manufacturing sector and the destruction of the ability for self-sufficient economics.  Altogether with the privatization this act caused an unbelievable damage to the economy, which even until today we couldn’t put aside, moreover, the national debt is so high that our next generations will be living in it as well. As we experienced on our own lives, this "transformation" cost us a lot: a huge well-skilled mass got unemployed, and the privatization resulted nothing more but certain foreign interest-groups had no counterparts and the unemployed masses provided a cheap labor for them.

 I’d like to add to my comment that the cheap labor was less than cheap: even slave sweatshop labor what these neocolonialists got. If they would need to take care the slaves probably would cost for them more than the paycheck they issue for the often 12 hrs a day work  and more often the unpaid holiday works as well.


 The Magyar-hater Zionist leaders work hard and hand-in-hand to wipe out the Hungarian folk. Since 1945 there’s no independent Hungarian justice system. Since 1990 the courts take open political orders in their decisions.  The so-called independent authorities (police, prosecution, courts) are acting on laws, regulated by jurisdictions. Yes, but in our Country there are SECRET ORGANIZATIONS, which can operate freely on the same legal ways. These are Jewish-led organizations, filled with politicians, state bureaucrats, influential people. All 3 juridical authorities (police, prosecution, courts) Jews are in key positions. These positions have 100% racial minority in charge, just like at the television and radio stations. Everything is decided by politics in the courts to carry out sentences. In sensitive cases the judges are always Jewish. The biggest terrorist is the police.Most of the Hungarian people are not scared of the criminals, but from police. They have some chances to defend themselves against criminals, because the perpetrator can’t take away from them more than they have. However, the policeman can fine them as much they can pay off in a year of hard work. Of course, the government doesn’t care and will collect it all. Those who are the power-grabbers use state terror to eradicate our national symbols the Turul-eagle and the Arpad-spangled banner. So far the Hungarian political  "elite" fulfilled their free-masonic masters globalistic demands. In our Country the real national values disappeared and the brainwashing of the masses coming to an end. In Hungary nothing happens accidentally, the disappeared hundreds of thousands of jobs are also the results of this free-masonic traitors. First, they sold the products, then they closed the gates of the factories making hundreds of thousands jobless. Those who were thrown to the streets lost their savings, morality, got humiliated. Temporary jobs dried up too.These brainwashed masses accepted all, they unable to realize the extreme danger, they are out of their judgments. They are empty. don’t care about Homeland, family, or anything. The average man still fight for the every day bread, the  government make sure put some food on the table, so there will be no hunger-riots. They still can’t see the Truth, that our Nation’s destiny is on stake. The Satan, the traitors and the political elite just laugh on us, they reached their goals.Let me quote Ben Gurion, Israeli prime minister from 1948: "We must do everything that the Palestinians never will be able to return, The old people will die, the young ones will forget".The politicians are on the wining side now. Our Country is seemingly lost, but we know from many centuries that "The Country over all!" Can we from this mass became a Nation again? Will be our time return, or we will be sunk in the wasteland of this occupying, alien power?The political elite lost its dignity (if any) in 2006. The prime minister called the Nation a ‘land of whores’. Let’s say if you hear these words in a country with moral values, what would happen? In that day he should have resigned, or if he not, the opposition would force him to resign. Guess what, in Hungary the opposition took it as a fun and tried to explain, those words mean nothing bad at all, only freedom of expression we should respect.We ask a question, which is more likely a prayer than a question: the world is now going through a major change, we have never seen before, we Hungarians however, have been forced to be in war-like situation with nations we never ever had any problem before, in fact we shared ancient times with them, like Iraq, Afghanistan and attacking and exploiting them we Hungarians have nothing to do.Not many nations on Earth experienced harsh times as the Hungarians, like occupation, the exploitation of national treasuries, the demoralization of ancient culture and how you face the consequences when these all became real. The above mentioned reasons forced us into a satellite-nation, against our wills. We, deiced that despite the above reasons, we will continue our struggle against the Zionist horde who occupy our Country and their war-mongering efforts in "our name" against other peaceful nations. We are solidarity with the Palestinian people in their life-and-death fights. Many Hungarians who feel the same as the people of Palestine, demonstrated and protested in front of the Palestinian Embassy denouncing the Jewish settlement, world-conquering attempts and the recent headquarter buildings in Hungary.Today, the European Union is a forced-upon-us re-educational and melting pot camp. This EU dissolved the former Warsaw Pact and intervenes in the internal affairs of Iran when the European Parliament takes the Iranian humanitarian issue on its agenda. Without any evidences or proof of abuses. Nowadays, when in Hungary, in the heart of Europe forced into a colony, they violate human rights and charge Iran with the same abuses, when everybody knows the European Union is the Trojan Horse for Israel.We keep fighting. Keep fighting because now we have a Party which is the only nationalist party: JOBBIK MAGYARORSZAGERT PART (for The Better Hungary Party), despite the ban from the government, even the laws made by those Zionists who break them the most. In Hungary now we have again the Political Prisoner category. Charged with terrorism, anyone can be arrested. The Penal Code states that 15 years of prison sentence can be brought against any person who fights against the alien Zionist powers. The first kind of terrorism charge occurred against patriot Gyorgy Budahazy and his fellow freedom fighters. The harassment against nationalistic, patriotic organizations, movements, parties, individuals are on the daily basis.The justice system in Hungary is totally unable to fit its job, namely to stop the crime and to prevent repeat criminal offenses, even from the government itself. This was created by a upper-class juridical power, which wants to defuse the Hungarian Nation’s self-defense mechanism.We are in a multiple-lane front. Alien owned media gurus are the responsible for the oppression of our voices, that we look very weak. These media hate-mongers are so successful and damaging that almost all patriots use every opportunity to enlighten the masses, especially those folks who still be able to resist the globalist brain washings.The recent police force is not able to handle the crime-wave and the related problems. Criminals, thieves and former communist party members run the police and the secret services, based on political affiliation and for their interests only. The public safety and order in Hungary is in the deepest level same as the cities in the USA. Our education system which was world-wide acknowledged before, is dying. This, in the path of the destruction of a nation is probably the strongest hit.They forcing on us the failed education system of the United States of America, with strong enforcement tactics. The education as a future goal has died. Once upon a time the teachers were educators with pride. Today the teacher is only a slave for a paycheck-to-paycheck , they can’t concentrate on their job, their mind is occupied with the problems and hardships of current situation.. It’s not accidental that the regime has destroyed their pride.The health care system is near to collapse, despite the fact that our system was world-class. Hungary was the first nation which introduced the health care insurance system. Today the Hungarian health care system is on the same level with the destroyed and occupied Iraq by the statistics of the United Nations. It is regardless that the health care deductions from working Hungarians paychecks is the highest in Europe.

 The doctors, nurses are leaving their homeland. Their wages not more than a helper’s salary, but the responsibility they bear is huge. Learning more, additional trainings? There’s no money for that. In Hungary their lives are in danger when they have to deal with minorities – gypsies – who can kill them without punishment. The health care insurance system is in the hands of cheap thieves, the funds have gone, nobody knows where. The economy in Hungary basically stopped to exist, since alien multi-nationalist corporations rule the economic life. Right now the agricultural section is under attack by them, they do everything to set up obstacles for the farmers to sell their merchandises. The occupation of the healthy drinking water system is now their first goal. One may wonder, why… The farmers would like to save their money in the banks and use the interest for further investments. The Hungarians farmers love the land and the soil they work on it – from early rise to late dark – they put their little income on risk, but still sell quality produces. And those quality produces go to be wasted, or the middleman-mafia will buy it, well below the producing costs. Protection or help – the farmers can’t expect it from anyone. Only attacks. KOJAL-Mafiosos, usury-Mafiosos, state-Mafiosos, etc. And the whole country is talking about the wide-spread corruptions, why the farmers would be treated differently?



 Will be better times ahead?

 One may say, if someone has to explain something too much, that person’s has guilty feeling on something. We got the feeling that our Nation has nothing must explain to anyone, we have no guilty feelings at all. We didn’t do any wrongdoing against our environment or against the world, what we should regret for, or we should pay for, since what Destiny brought upon us , we accepted and we just tried to handle with our best knowledge and will.

 If someone from us made a mistake, then right away someone from our Nation tried to correct it as it could be. If any alien member in our Country acted badly, we corrected it with goodwill and without expecting others to do so. Sometimes it cost more the solution than the act deserved. We chose our place to live where we are living now. It’s a God-given right and responsibility to hold the flames of love, which came from Him. Also, it’s a God-given right to make decisions over our society and things we share here, with one condition; that we do not do any harm to others by think, by words, or by acts. We represent this and we demand ourselves to comply with this. There have been, there will be always new boundaries, changes, "new lands", as it is written. On this Earth everything every time is changing, it’s on the move, on the renewal, but our Nation will follow God’s original directions now and forever.

 Everything which is old and reverses God’s orders should be lost and abolished. The dualism collapses and disappears. Our ancient enemies think only that earthly laws can stop and reverse with dictatorship our Destiny. Our above showed history is the prime example that "fear" thinks, if it spreads, or ties up, or sneaks in, or possess then, it is above the faith and the God-given laws. The globalization of our Earth is not from God. If we want globalization then it can be done only by God’s laws by each nation’s  freely chosen approval. For this we need to provide the existence of this living Planet.  For this, we continue the struggle in our minds and in our souls. Nothing is in contradiction with this faith. For instance, they can hurt our bodies, they can enslave us, or even kill many of us, – they even can cheat  us for awhile by brainwashing – but they can’t buy our souls. We don’t let that happen. Since our souls tied to our bodies and the soul can’t rise up because of the pain and starvation, therefore we need to defend and protect our bodies and the God-given rights.Outside forces, alien nations try to tie up us with hundreds of thousands of laws, rules but they ignore one fact, that an individual must represent the hearts of God and Earth. Even though, the world never noticed this tiny nation before. Until that individual is doing that no earthly law or Evil can harm him. This is our Calvary, the suffering of the Hungarian people. How many nations would have been so patient and peaceful with the changes, as we had for example in the last 20 years? Regime change… What has been changed? Only the the masters of oppression over the Magyars, which is the shame of the existing world!Yes, we dare to say that Trianon is the shame of the entire world, an act which threw the entire Hungarian folks to an alien power which also, against all nations, against the whole world. We are getting awakening, though slowly, but we are. And how about the other nations? We are not qualified to judge others, let God judge them! As for Trianon, God will bring justice for the devastated Hungarian Nation and we will arise again.